Philippines awards Standard IQ Test

To learn more about the Philippines awards and understand how to get it, click on it.

992 Full
109 Full 3
41 Full 5
416 Time Saver
524 Go Faster
634 Need For Speed
1282 Weekly Top 10
1312 Weekly Top 30
1281 Weekly Top 50
1275 Affectionate
6 Royal
3 Loyal
3 Trustworthly
100 Devoted
12 Faithful
8 Ardent
1239 Best
12 Better Then Grifter
1267 Hero
3 Higher Then Deceiver
803 Swindler
1266 Top 10
1294 Top 100
1299 Top 50
623 Cheat Or Genious
198 IQ Rank I
510 IQ Rank II
322 IQ Rank III
117 IQ Rank IV
80 IQ Rank V
26 IQ Rank VI
12 IQ Rank VII

Sample IQ Report

Sample IQ Report

Other Countries

tn Tunisia
sa Saudi Arabia
ao Angola
ee Estonia
jo Jordan
iq Iraq
np Nepal
lb Lebanon
uy Uruguay
ve Venezuela
ad Andorra
am Armenia
gt Guatemala
do Dominican Republic
me Montenegro
is Iceland
kz Kazakhstan
aw Aruba
az Azerbaijan
lu Luxembourg
kw Kuwait
pa Panama
tt Trinidad And Tobago
md Moldova
View Standard IQ Test Statistics

Best Result

Katherine Rose U Acosta has the leader results in Philippines
  • IQ Score 117
  • Time 01:29:46
35 correct answers
11 incorrect answers
4 skipped questions

Tests’ Results

  • Standard IQ Test 117


IQ Rank V
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10

Latest Ph Iq Leaders

  • 1


  • Tests’ Results 2
  • IQ Score IQ up to 109

11 Awards received for Standard IQ Test

22 Total Awards

  • 2


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 79

15 Awards received for Standard IQ Test

15 Total Awards

  • 3

    Arienne Kelsey

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 94

13 Awards received for Standard IQ Test

13 Total Awards

  • 4


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 97

16 Awards received for Standard IQ Test

16 Total Awards

Latest 15 results

Jade - Albania
Emily Duhig - United Kingdom
Jc - United Kingdom
  • United Kingdom IQ: 92
Bert Camem - Belgium
Icughasem - Togo
Moris - Greece
Quentin Serto - France
Nicojh - Germany
Phone Myat Khin - Myanmar
Alex Joelle - United Kingdom
Max Lam - United States
Javier - Spain
Test - Philippines
Shan - France
Ab - Australia
  • Australia IQ: 101