Philippines awards Matrix-G IQ Test

To learn more about the Philippines awards and understand how to get it, click on it.

1016 Full
110 Full 3
41 Full 5
431 Time Saver
543 Go Faster
654 Need For Speed
1312 Weekly Top 10
1342 Weekly Top 30
1311 Weekly Top 50
1305 Affectionate
6 Royal
3 Loyal
3 Trustworthly
101 Devoted
12 Faithful
8 Ardent
1269 Best
12 Better Then Grifter
1297 Hero
3 Higher Then Deceiver
812 Swindler
1296 Top 10
1324 Top 100
1329 Top 50
643 Cheat Or Genious
208 IQ Rank I
524 IQ Rank II
327 IQ Rank III
118 IQ Rank IV
80 IQ Rank V
26 IQ Rank VI
12 IQ Rank VII

Sample IQ Report

Sample IQ Report

Other Countries

us United States
kr Korea
de Germany
it Italy
gb United Kingdom
gr Greece
se Sweden
in India
ca Canada
jp Japan
hr Croatia
ch Switzerland
br Brazil
nl Netherlands
il Israel
tr Turkey
es Spain
pl Poland
rs Serbia
hk Hong Kong
au Australia
bd Bangladesh
ro Romania
fi Finland
View Matrix-G IQ Test Statistics

Best Result

Again Ting has the leader results in Philippines
  • IQ Score 107
  • Time 00:22:11
17 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
2 skipped questions

Tests’ Results

  • Matrix-G IQ Test 107


IQ Rank V
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10

Latest Ph Iq Leaders

  • 1


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 83

14 Awards received for Matrix-G IQ Test

14 Total Awards

  • 2

    Marc Giestin Louis Cordova

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 100

12 Awards received for Matrix-G IQ Test

12 Total Awards

  • 3

    Colen Decipulo

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 101

12 Awards received for Matrix-G IQ Test

12 Total Awards

  • 4


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 96

12 Awards received for Matrix-G IQ Test

12 Total Awards

Latest 15 results

Katherine - United States
Martine Lopez - United States
7f5 - United Kingdom
  • United Kingdom IQ: 95
Febredorato 22 - Brazil
Bob - United States
  • United States IQ: 97
Rajkumar - India
Bryan Li - United States
Briskers - Canada
Asdf - United States
Farp - United States
Alea - Canada
Wewer - United States
Yasin Arafat - Bangladesh
Austin Min - United States
Andreas - Germany