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( The Zeuro IQ Test )
Statistics for IQ Haven Tests
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Sample IQ Report

Sample IQ Report

IQ Score Statistics per Test

IQ testing measures your crystallized and fluid intelligence, forming your general intelligence when seen as a whole. Crystallized intelligence is defined as intelligence which has been amassed from past learning and experiences. It is intelligence which supplies us with knowledge and understanding rooted in facts derived from physical encounters. The more crystallized experience we have the better we are at comprehending what we read and learn from academic sources. Fluid intelligence refers to our ability to apply acquired information and knowledge to rational problem solving and reasoning. It is a measure of our perceptual capabilities, showing our overall capacity to reason, adapt and learn new things independent of facts other forms of crystallized intelligence.

IQ Score Statistics per Test

IQ Score Statistics per Time

IQ tests are extremely accurate despite outside factors such as extreme stress and predisposed thoughts having a slight effect. There is also a slight variation between scores relative to age, with younger test subjects having the higher volatility and degree for error. Essentially all IQ scores are not an exact measure but rather give you a relative range. Different IQ tests all target different evaluations which is why your IQ score rather distinguishes between the scope of your intelligence on average. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale is designed to have a mean of 100 allowing a standard deviation of 15 with the scores forming a bell curve when graphed. As you can see, at just a 15 point spread there is little margin for error.

IQ Score Statistics per Time

Latest 15 results

As - United States
  • United States IQ: 99
Iqbal Tawakkal - Indonesia
Urs Kalberer - Switzerland
Mohamed - Algeria
Sebastian Sanchez - Chile
Bas Supheert - Germany
Kareem Gameel - Egypt
A - Hungary
  • Hungary IQ: 124
Peter - Slovakia
Carl Preston Fisher - United States
Fffhg - Turkey
Andrei - Romania
Boyo - Greece
Mary - Australia