Canada awards Logics - 20 (IQ) Test

To learn more about the Canada awards and understand how to get it, click on it.

304 Full
14 Full 3
6 Full 5
82 Time Saver
97 Go Faster
130 Need For Speed
805 Weekly Top 10
795 Weekly Top 30
802 Weekly Top 50
847 Affectionate
9 Royal
4 Loyal
2 Trustworthly
30 Devoted
13 Faithful
6 Ardent
687 Best
7 Better Then Grifter
725 Hero
3 Higher Then Deceiver
366 Swindler
776 Top 10
792 Top 100
821 Top 50
130 Cheat Or Genious
88 IQ Rank I
94 IQ Rank II
179 IQ Rank III
181 IQ Rank IV
131 IQ Rank V
38 IQ Rank VI
5 IQ Rank VII

Sample IQ Report

Sample IQ Report

Other Countries

uz Uzbekistan
cy Cyprus
mu Mauritius
md Moldova
lk Sri Lanka
th Thailand
ao Angola
lu Luxembourg
az Azerbaijan
im Isle Of Man
mv Maldives
uy Uruguay
am Armenia
sy Syrian Arab Republic
gt Guatemala
kh Cambodia
ps Palestinian Territory, Occupied
pa Panama
tt Trinidad And Tobago
ax Aland Islands
ee Estonia
kz Kazakhstan
lv Latvia
np Nepal
View Logics - 20 (IQ) Test Statistics

Best Result

X has the leader results in Canada
  • IQ Score 119
  • Time 00:10:03
16 correct answers
4 incorrect answers

Tests’ Results

  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test 119
  • Standard IQ Test 116
  • CFIQ Test 109


IQ Rank VI
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
IQ Rank V

Latest Ca Iq Leaders

  • 1

    Doug Smeathers

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 89

10 Awards received for Logics - 20 (IQ) Test

10 Total Awards

  • 2

    Arian Kian

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 92

10 Awards received for Logics - 20 (IQ) Test

10 Total Awards

  • 3

    Yann Marcotte

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 99

11 Awards received for Logics - 20 (IQ) Test

11 Total Awards

  • 4


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 119

12 Awards received for Logics - 20 (IQ) Test

12 Total Awards

Latest 15 results

James - Sweden
H - Albania
  • Albania IQ: 107
Jp - United States
  • United States IQ: 102
Ed - United States
  • United States IQ: 106
Thuhtetsun - Myanmar
Roy - Indonesia
Irish Mae Elona Princena - Philippines
Dorel - Romania
Gg - Italy
Nikolas Kollias - Greece
Htoo Tay Zar Naing - Myanmar
Akm - Myanmar
Lee - Myanmar
Ggc - United States
  • United States IQ: 112
Khinpyaesonewin - Myanmar