United Kingdom awards The Astral-IQ Test

To learn more about the United Kingdom awards and understand how to get it, click on it.

641 Full
8 Full 3
2 Full 5
132 Time Saver
189 Go Faster
287 Need For Speed
1207 Weekly Top 10
1174 Weekly Top 30
1118 Weekly Top 50
1134 Affectionate
9 Royal
5 Loyal
2 Trustworthly
15 Devoted
7 Faithful
6 Ardent
1111 Best
3 Better Then Grifter
1124 Hero
0 Higher Then Deceiver
578 Swindler
1162 Top 10
1127 Top 100
1184 Top 50
283 Cheat Or Genious
59 IQ Rank I
220 IQ Rank II
288 IQ Rank III
315 IQ Rank IV
183 IQ Rank V
35 IQ Rank VI
6 IQ Rank VII

Sample IQ Report

Sample IQ Report

Other Countries

lt Lithuania
al Albania
sg Singapore
mk Macedonia
ph Philippines
dz Algeria
am Armenia
cz Czech Republic
gt Guatemala
th Thailand
pt Portugal
ba Bosnia And Herzegovina
kw Kuwait
si Slovenia
za South Africa
tn Tunisia
my Malaysia
ir Iran
lv Latvia
na Namibia
lk Sri Lanka
tw Taiwan
ao Angola
im Isle Of Man
View The Astral-IQ Test Statistics

Best Result

Dop has the leader results in United Kingdom
  • IQ Score 115
  • Time 00:18:21
22 correct answers
8 incorrect answers

Tests’ Results

  • The Zeuro IQ Test 119
  • Standard IQ Test 118
  • The Astral-IQ Test 115
  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test 112
  • Matrix-G IQ Test 108
  • Numerics-A Test 108
  • Numerics-B Test 106
  • Lensa IQ Test 105
  • Spatial X IQ Test 104
  • The Intellecta (IQ) Test 98
  • The Zolmega Test 77


IQ Rank V
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
IQ Rank IV
Full 3
IQ Rank I
Need For Speed
Cheat Or Genious
IQ Rank VI
Full 5

Latest Gb Iq Leaders

United Kingdom
  • 1

    Heather Drummond

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 105

12 Awards received for The Astral-IQ Test

12 Total Awards

  • 2

    Dan Gordon

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 101

11 Awards received for The Astral-IQ Test

11 Total Awards

  • 3


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 79

15 Awards received for The Astral-IQ Test

15 Total Awards

  • 4

    Lucy Watson

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 102

11 Awards received for The Astral-IQ Test

11 Total Awards

Latest 15 results

Lucy Watson - United Kingdom
Thanks4thefreetest - United States
Gem - Andorra
Sheirapalaya - Philippines
Kjdjhhd - Romania
Etherth - Bahrain
Iii - Albania
666 - China
Dw - Russia
Tin - United States
  • United States IQ: 117
Xenen - Spain
Shay - United States
Ami - United States
  • United States IQ: 145
Lucas - Australia
Omar Aboeleneen - Egypt