To learn more about the awards and understand how to get it, click on it.




3 IQ Rank VI
14 Affectionate
14 Hero
14 Weekly Top 50
14 Weekly Top 30
14 Weekly Top 10
14 Best
14 Top 100
14 Top 50
14 Top 10
14 Swindler
1 IQ Rank VII
1 Full
1 Better Then Grifter
10 IQ Rank V
1 Devoted
1 Faithful
1 Ardent
1 Loyal
1 Trustworthly


IQ Haven -
High Range IQ Testing

It is not exactly rocket science to understand that people get better at doing something with training (although it is almost brain surgery to understand why this happens). Not everyone can learn to play chess like Garry Kasparov, but almost everyone can learn to play it quite well, with enough training.

The same is true for abstract reasoning, solving arithmetic or geometric problems, understanding your mother tongue, and other factors that influence IQ. If you spent ten years learning to see relations in sequences of numbers, you would be able to recognize many more of these much faster than someone who never did so, just like experienced chess players are able to recognize many more tactical and strategic ideas than beginners, no matter how much talent they have.
All the skills that constitute IQ can be further developed with training. We are not all equal in terms of how fast or how far we can develop these skills, but we can all develop them to a certain degree.

Bellow you can see timeline of your IQ Progress.

G Italy
14 Passed Tests 26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:10:28
26 Jul 2024
16 correct answers
3 incorrect answers
1 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 136
  • 00:17:56
26 Jul 2024
30 correct answers
3 incorrect answers
26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:30:10
26 Jul 2024
19 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:31:02
26 Jul 2024
19 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 114
  • 00:31:15
26 Jul 2024
18 correct answers
10 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:31:41
26 Jul 2024
19 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:32:08
26 Jul 2024
19 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:32:24
26 Jul 2024
19 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 117
  • 00:32:36
26 Jul 2024
20 correct answers
8 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:32:53
26 Jul 2024
19 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 117
  • 00:33:23
26 Jul 2024
20 correct answers
8 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 119
  • 00:33:41
26 Jul 2024
19 correct answers
9 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 114
  • 00:34:09
26 Jul 2024
18 correct answers
10 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024
  • 109
  • 00:35:06
26 Jul 2024
17 correct answers
11 incorrect answers
-3 skipped questions
26 Jul 2024

Sharpen Your Skills

Take more tests to improve your IQ to be considered a genius
Standard IQ Test
50 IQ-related items
IQ up to 154
No time limit
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Spatial X IQ Test
33 IQ-related items
IQ up to 153
20 Min
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25 IQ-related items
IQ up to 152
30 Min
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Matrix-G IQ Test
28 IQ-related items
IQ up to 149
20 Min
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Logics - 20 (IQ) Test
20 IQ-related items
IQ up to 151
12 Min
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Numerics-A Test
15 IQ-related items
IQ up to 145
No time limit
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Lensa IQ Test
30 IQ-related items
IQ up to 150
30 Min
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The Zeuro IQ Test
40 IQ-related items
IQ up to 149
30 Min
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The Astral-IQ Test
30 IQ-related items
IQ up to 145
20 Min
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Numerics-B Test
20 IQ-related items
IQ up to 149
No time limit
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The Intellecta (IQ) Test
30 IQ-related items
IQ up to 147
30 Min
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The Zolmega Test
20 IQ-related items
IQ up to 148
120 Min
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The Nomega Test
27 IQ-related items
IQ up to 146
30 Min
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The Matematricius Test
45 IQ-related items
IQ up to 152
60 Min
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