IQ Haven -
High Range IQ Testing

It is not exactly rocket science to understand that people get better at doing something with training (although it is almost brain surgery to understand why this happens). Not everyone can learn to play chess like Garry Kasparov, but almost everyone can learn to play it quite well, with enough training.

The same is true for abstract reasoning, solving arithmetic or geometric problems, understanding your mother tongue, and other factors that influence IQ. If you spent ten years learning to see relations in sequences of numbers, you would be able to recognize many more of these much faster than someone who never did so, just like experienced chess players are able to recognize many more tactical and strategic ideas than beginners, no matter how much talent they have.
All the skills that constitute IQ can be further developed with training. We are not all equal in terms of how fast or how far we can develop these skills, but we can all develop them to a certain degree.

Bellow you can see timeline of your IQ Progress.

IQ Haven Leaders

  • IQ Score 139
  • Time 00:25:27

Testsโ€™ Results

  • Lensa IQ Test139
  • Matrix-G IQ Test138
  • Standard IQ Test134
  • The Astral-IQ Test119
  • Numerics-B Test110
  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test106
  • CFIQ Test103
  • The Zolmega Test97
IQ Rank V
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
IQ Rank IV
Full 3
IQ Rank II
Full 5
Better Then Grifter
  • IQ Score 119
  • Time 00:18:05

Testsโ€™ Results

  • The Astral-IQ Test119
  • The Intellecta (IQ) Test117
  • Numerics-B Test110
  • Spatial X IQ Test108
  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test106
IQ Rank IV
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
Full 3
IQ Rank V
  • IQ Score 117
  • Time 03:49:05

Testsโ€™ Results

  • Standard IQ Test117
  • Numerics-A Test112
  • Spatial X IQ Test108
  • Matrix-G IQ Test108
  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test106
  • The Nomega Test104
  • CFIQ Test103
  • The Zolmega Test97
IQ Rank IV
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
Full 3
IQ Rank II
Full 5
  • IQ Score 119
  • Time 00:20:25

Testsโ€™ Results

  • The Astral-IQ Test119
  • Standard IQ Test117
  • Numerics-B Test110
  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test106
  • Lensa IQ Test105
IQ Rank V
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
IQ Rank IV
Full 3
Full 5
  • IQ Score 108
  • Time 00:23:08

Testsโ€™ Results

  • Spatial X IQ Test108
  • Matrix-G IQ Test108
  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test106
  • The Nomega Test104
  • CFIQ Test103
  • The Zolmega Test98
IQ Rank II
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
IQ Rank IV
IQ Rank I
Full 3

The IQ Test Origins, Meaning, and Significance

Start Test


  1. A Brief History of Intelligence Testing

    1. Early Developments
    2. Alfred Binet and the invention of the modern IQ test
  2. IQ Testing Today

    1. The spread of intelligence: IQ scores and the bell curve
    2. Standard deviation: How common โ€” or uncommon โ€” is your score?
    3. IQ scores and labels: How many points equals a genius?
    4. IQ testing and reliability: Can we trust IQ tests to give consistent results?
    5. IQ testing and validity: Do IQ tests actually measure intelligence?
  3. IQ and You
    1. IQ scores and job status
    2. IQ scores and job performance

Concluding Thoughts



Take the Standard IQ Test to get Full Report

Our Tests

Standard IQ Test

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The Standard IQ test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a maximum score of up to 154. Following the standard format of IQ testing, youโ€™ll receive a set of questions spanning multiple choice answers and items where the fitting variable must be supplied individually. An IQ score is reached using a set of 50 questions. This score is an average of all four components of intelligence.

Only your first and second test scores are accepted to be accurate.

Keep in mind โ€“ the average test time for most is an hour.

Spatial X IQ Test

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The Spatial X IQ Test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a maximum score of up to 153. Under the pressure of a 20-minute time limit, you are assessed using a range of 33 visual-spatial questions arranged from easiest to most difficult.

Visualization of objects, concepts, and figures, and other right-handed brain affinities are put to the test using questions which require non-verbal reasoning, comparative deductions based on abstract logic, and matrix-based determinations.

Retesting is only recommended after a month or more with your first score typically being the most accurate.


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The CFIQ Test, or Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test, is a high-range IQ assessment granting a maximum score of up to 152. Under the pressure of a 30-minute time limit, it calls upon your spatial intelligence to answer a selection of 25 questions.

These require you to use your capabilities to comprehend and process three-dimensional images, geometry and shapes logically. Your right-hand brain affinity is used extensively through this test, with each test item using spatial recognition and spatial reasoning questions to solve.

See how you score from a questionnaire presenting 25 spatial items which donโ€™t require conventional verbal knowledge to solve but instead use your ability to visualize objects within the mindโ€™s eye.

The first score you obtain is the most accurate and retesting is therefore not recommended.

Matrix-G IQ Test

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The Matrix-G IQ test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a score of up to 149. Under the pressure of a 20-minute time limit, your abstract reasoning is called on to answer questions giving a non-verbal estimate of your fluid intelligence.

The tests consists of a series of 28 matrix-based items presenting visual depictions asking you to provide the correct picture or pattern to take the place of variable. Every question displays a matrix of nine visual/linear representations and you supply the completing image.

Only the first and second assessment is accepted as accurate.

Logics - 20 (IQ) Test

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The Logics โ€“ 20 (IQ) Test is a high-range IQ assessment designed to give you a score based on your ability to process visual information and reason within an abstract perceptual environment. Your spatial reasoning is called upon through a series of twenty questions presenting a logical pattern of images or linear figures.

The total testing time measures 12-minutes and gives the most accurate score on your first or second submission only.

Determine which spatial item fills in the variable, logically, and complete either the whole test or as much if it as you can within the allocated time. All questions are culture-fair therefore requiring no specific logical information to be able to solve.

Numerics-A Test

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The Numerics-A Test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a maximum score of up to 145. There is no need for pressure as there is no time limit.

Numerics A takes you through a sequence of easy-to-hard questions accurately assessing your numerical aptitude. It presents you with 15 questions calling upon your numerical intelligence to provide the appropriate number-based variable. The answer could be a part of an existing pattern, series or progression, or it will involve basic arithmetic, abstract logic, or even any combination thereof.

Donโ€™t take the test more than twice.

Lensa IQ Test

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The Lensa IQ Test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a maximum score of up to 150. Under the pressure of a 30-minute time limit, you are given an array of 30 questions spread across spatial-visual, numerical and logical reasoning.

Test items include pattern recognition, series identification of numbers & letters, progressions & patterns within matrix-based representations, non-verbal & abstract deduction, and basic arithmetic.

Only your first and second scores are considered to be accurate.

The Zeuro IQ Test

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The Zeuro IO Test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a score of up to 149. Under the pressure of a 30-minute time limit, your numerical and spatial intelligence is called upon to measure your score.

The test consists of 40 items comprised of sequence and series identification questions, patterns & progressions, basic arithmetic, and other tasks designed to assess your understanding and application of numerical information. Progressing from easy to most difficult, this test gives you about 50 seconds per question on average.

Only your first and second test results are considered accurate.

The Astral-IQ Test

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The Astral-IQ test is a high-range spatial IQ assessment granting a score of up to 145. Your ability to reason within a perceptual environment and the extent of your capabilities to visualize images and objects making a logical analysis within the mindโ€™s eye are called to the fore. Good spatial reasoning reflects an affinity for deriving understanding from a limited amount of abstract or visual information.

A total of 30 questions presenting visual patterns, sequences, and linear depictions are presented and you are required to fill in the variable.

Only your first and second test results are considered to be accurate with further testing giving negligible results.

Numerics-B Test

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The Numerics-B Test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a maximum score of up to 149. Youโ€™ll be presented with 20 questions based on numbers, pattern & series recognition, and general arithmetic.

Your score is a reflection of your numerical reasoning, determined by your numerical intelligence and ability to quantify concepts within an abstract frame of reference.

Instantly through a basic questionnaire.

The Intellecta (IQ) Test

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The Intellecta (IQ) Test is a high-range IQ assessment which determines your score using a spread of numeric, logical language puzzles such as determining antonyms and associative arrangements of words, and lastly a selection of spatial-items designed to test your spatial intelligence or visual reasoning capabilities.

Visual-spatial intelligence is an assessment of your ability to manipulate images and 3D objects within your mind, logical IQ is tested associatively and sequentially, while numeric intelligence is covered by a series of progressions and patterns to be identified.

Only your first and second assessment is accurate while the test itself consists of 30 questions under the pressure of a 30-minute time limit.

The Zolmega Test

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The Zolmega Test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a score of up to 148. There is no time limit and the assessment consists of a series of 20 alphanumerical items.

Your score is determined through a range of questions involving numerical logic, symmetry, basic mathematics, abstract reasoning within a logical framework, and series identification.

As one of the longer and more complex IQ assessments, it is recommended that you spend a minimum of two hours on the test.

Only the first and second results are accepted as accurate.

The Nomega Test

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The Nomega Test is a high-range logical IQ assessment granting a score of up to 146. Under the pressure of a 30-minute time limit your IQ is scored through a range of 27 questions.

Each presents you with logical problems designed to test your IQ. You are presented an assortment of questions formulating the final assessment. Among these, you will receive spatial-visual representations whereby you are asked to select the next logical pattern or geometrical form out of multiple answers.

You are also supplied logical items asking you to provide correct letter or number in place of the variable, as well as anagrams and word puzzles. Your numerical and spatial reasoning are tested to determine your score.

Only your first and second result is considered accurate.

The Matematricius Test

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The Matematricicius Test is a high-range IQ assessment granting a score of up to 152. Under the pressure of a 1-hour time limit, both your numerical intelligence and spatial intelligence are called upon through a series 45 of questions determining your IQ score.

Your test is considered of a moderate difficulty escalating to significantly harder questions as you progress. Test items are comprised of numerical and letter-based pattern recognition, series identification, visual-matrix reasoning through supplying the correct linear variable, basic logic using verbal and non-verbal deduction, and both abstract and logical calculations across numbers & letters.

Only the first and second test results are accepted as accurate.