Viet Nam awards The Nomega Test

To learn more about the Viet Nam awards and understand how to get it, click on it.

53 Full
1 Full 3
0 Full 5
17 Time Saver
21 Go Faster
19 Need For Speed
205 Weekly Top 10
185 Weekly Top 30
152 Weekly Top 50
172 Affectionate
2 Royal
1 Loyal
1 Trustworthly
7 Devoted
3 Faithful
2 Ardent
150 Best
1 Better Then Grifter
157 Hero
0 Higher Then Deceiver
121 Swindler
180 Top 10
160 Top 100
186 Top 50
28 Cheat Or Genious
17 IQ Rank I
16 IQ Rank II
25 IQ Rank III
47 IQ Rank IV
32 IQ Rank V
8 IQ Rank VI
3 IQ Rank VII

Sample IQ Report

Sample IQ Report

Other Countries

jo Jordan
mk Macedonia
gt Guatemala
uz Uzbekistan
tn Tunisia
lt Lithuania
pt Portugal
ie Ireland
ph Philippines
im Isle Of Man
kw Kuwait
by Belarus
cy Cyprus
lk Sri Lanka
sa Saudi Arabia
ir Iran
mm Myanmar
sg Singapore
gh Ghana
za South Africa
pe Peru
kz Kazakhstan
am Armenia
rw Rwanda
View The Nomega Test Statistics

Best Result

Andreas has the leader results in Viet Nam
  • IQ Score 107
  • Time 00:28:15
18 correct answers
9 incorrect answers

Tests’ Results

  • CFIQ Test 143
  • Matrix-G IQ Test 125
  • The Zeuro IQ Test 124
  • Standard IQ Test 122
  • Spatial X IQ Test 122
  • Numerics-B Test 121
  • Logics - 20 (IQ) Test 119
  • The Astral-IQ Test 119
  • Lensa IQ Test 117
  • The Intellecta (IQ) Test 114
  • Numerics-A Test 112
  • The Zolmega Test 109
  • The Matematricius Test 108
  • The Nomega Test 107


Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10
Better Then Grifter
IQ Rank VI
Full 3
Full 5
IQ Rank V
IQ Rank IV

Latest Vn Iq Leaders

Viet Nam
  • 1

    Tuan Anh

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 109

12 Awards received for The Nomega Test

12 Total Awards

  • 2


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 101

12 Awards received for The Nomega Test

12 Total Awards

  • 3

    VΓ’n Anh

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 102

16 Awards received for The Nomega Test

16 Total Awards

  • 4


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 106

33 Awards received for The Nomega Test

33 Total Awards

Latest 4 results

John Owen Teodoro - Philippines
Dw - Russia
Ka - Chile
Andreas - Indonesia
John Owen Teodoro - Philippines
Dw - Russia
Ka - Chile
Andreas - Indonesia
John Owen Teodoro - Philippines
Dw - Russia
Ka - Chile
Andreas - Indonesia