Dominican Republic awards CFIQ Test

To learn more about the Dominican Republic awards and understand how to get it, click on it.

6 Full
1 Full 3
0 Full 5
0 Time Saver
0 Go Faster
0 Need For Speed
12 Weekly Top 10
14 Weekly Top 30
13 Weekly Top 50
12 Affectionate
0 Royal
0 Loyal
0 Trustworthly
0 Devoted
0 Faithful
0 Ardent
12 Best
0 Better Then Grifter
12 Hero
0 Higher Then Deceiver
12 Swindler
12 Top 10
14 Top 100
12 Top 50
0 Cheat Or Genious
0 IQ Rank I
0 IQ Rank II
7 IQ Rank III
2 IQ Rank IV
3 IQ Rank V
0 IQ Rank VI
0 IQ Rank VII

Sample IQ Report

Sample IQ Report

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cn China
ar Argentina
vn Viet Nam
mn Mongolia
ch Switzerland
my Malaysia
at Austria
sg Singapore
nz New Zealand
dk Denmark
ua Ukraine
bg Bulgaria
sk Slovakia
mx Mexico
no Norway
th Thailand
eg Egypt
ae United Arab Emirates
ie Ireland
pk Pakistan
hu Hungary
il Israel
View CFIQ Test Statistics

Best Result

Alan has the leader results in Dominican Republic
  • IQ Score 107
  • Time 00:24:26
16 correct answers
8 incorrect answers
1 skipped questions

Tests’ Results

  • CFIQ Test 107


IQ Rank V
Weekly Top 50
Weekly Top 30
Weekly Top 10
Top 100
Top 50
Top 10

Latest Do Iq Leaders

Dominican Republic
  • 1


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 99

12 Awards received for CFIQ Test

12 Total Awards

  • 2


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 105

11 Awards received for CFIQ Test

11 Total Awards

  • 3


  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 107

11 Awards received for CFIQ Test

11 Total Awards

  • 4

    John Taylor

  • Tests’ Results 1
  • IQ Score IQ up to 103

11 Awards received for CFIQ Test

11 Total Awards

Latest 15 results

Sree - Qatar
Krystal - United States
Imogen Bond - United Kingdom
Ef - United States
  • United States IQ: 117
Viktoria Daskalova - Bulgaria
Fillipe Hendreo Correa - United States
Richi F - Netherlands
Test - Philippines
Patrick Carrell - United States
Nath - Philippines
Arienne Kelsey - Philippines
Dig - United States
  • United States IQ: 109
Rotpawreborn002 - Norway
Will - United States